Treatments - What to Expect
Client History
The Treatment
Dress Code
Post Treatment
Client History
- Your first appointment will start with a detailed history to establish your chief complaint and how long you have been suffering from it, your medical history, lifestyle and all other perpetuating factors that might be causal to your symptoms. This will enable Lucy to establish the most likely causes of your pain and to treat your trigger points and any other related symptoms in a thorough and comprehensive manner.
- Every client is unique and they will be treated as such.
The Treatment
- Trigger Point Therapy is not massage. Some degree of discomfort may be felt as muscles are palpated but only ever within a tolerable threshold, often being described as by the client as a 'good pain'. There is always constant communication between patient and practitioner. Muscles distant from the site of pain may be treated as this reflects the pain referral pattern of trigger points which should be practised by any professional trigger point therapist.
- While we do not promise to 'fix' you after one session, many clients notice a loosening or degree of improvement after just one treatment.
Dress Code
- The client's comfort is of utmost importance. Trigger Point Therapy can be done through light clothing, shorts and a t-shirt or gym type clothing. If the client is comfortable treatment in underwear is beneficial as contact with skin allows the body worker to feel muscle tone, tension, tight bands, knots, etc. Only the muscle being treated is exposed at any time and proper draping techniques are employed at all times to ensure privacy.
Post Treatment
- The client will be advised and shown how to self treat between sessions if they so wish. Advice will also be given on exercise and stretching, both of which are often halted while treatments take place. Although difficult for many, not least the athletic it is by following protocol that results are achieved.
- You may notice some pain in the areas that have been treated after the first visit. Or you may notice a new or different type of pain. This is not unusual and usually only lasts a day or two before settling down.
- You may feel sleepy or tired after a treatment. We advise you to have a nap if possible. Many clients say they 'slept like a baby' the night after their first treatment!
- You will need to drink plenty of water after your Trigger Point session. This helps flush the toxins that have been released during the treatment. Your kidneys will thank you!
- A warm/hot bath (try some Epsom salts) is an excellent post-treatment soother for the involved muscles. It’s also a great way to de-stress at the end of the day.
- Do not ice trigger points (or the muscles that have trigger points) unless we specifically tell you to do so! Icing these muscles will only serve to make things worse by causing the muscle tissue to contract and consequently the trigger points re-forming.
- Keep in mind that any type of chilling to the skin (e.g. cool air or swimming) can serve to allow trigger points to re-establish in the muscle we are treating.
To book a treatment by phone or for more information please call Lucy on 0044 (0)7365 802312 or email [email protected] An initial treatment may take up to an hour and a half thus enabling a full client history, the treatment and post treatment advice. Thereafter treatments usually last approximately one hour. |